Как автоматически заполнить поля формы в IE? |
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{ This example shows how to automatically fill in a search string in the "Search Tip" page and click the search button. }
// first navigate to tipspage
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Webbrowser1.Navigate('http://www.swissdelphicenter.ch/en/tipsuchen.php'); end;
// Try to access IE instance and fill out the search field with // a text and click the search button
procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); var hIE: HWND; ShellWindow: IShellWindows; WB: IWebbrowser2; spDisp: IDispatch; IDoc1: IHTMLDocument2; Document: Variant; k, m: Integer; ovElements: OleVariant; i: Integer; begin ShellWindow := CoShellWindows.Create; // get the running instance of Internet Explorer for k := 0 to ShellWindow.Count do begin spDisp := ShellWindow.Item(k); if spDisp = nil then Continue; // QueryInterface determines if an interface can be used with an object spDisp.QueryInterface(iWebBrowser2, WB);
if WB <> nil then begin WB.Document.QueryInterface(IHTMLDocument2, iDoc1); if iDoc1 <> nil then begin WB := ShellWindow.Item(k) as IWebbrowser2; begin Document := WB.Document;
// count forms on document and iterate through its forms for m := 0 to Document.forms.Length - 1 do begin ovElements := Document.forms.Item(m).elements; // iterate through elements for i := 0 to ovElements.Length - 1 do begin // when input fieldname is found, try to fill out try if (CompareText(ovElements.item(i).tagName, 'INPUT') = 0) and (CompareText(ovElements.item(i).type, 'text') = 0) then begin ovElements.item(i).Value := 'FindWindow'; end; except end; // when Submit button is found, try to click try if (CompareText(ovElements.item(i).tagName, 'INPUT') = 0) and (CompareText(ovElements.item(i).type, 'SUBMIT') = 0) and (ovElements.item(i).Value = 'Search') then // Suchen fьr German begin ovElements.item(i).Click; end; except end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; |
Взято с сайта http://www.swissdelphicenter.ch/en/tipsindex.php