IDE highlighting the incorrect line

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On one project, the IDE insists on highlighting the incorrect line

for different conditions. For example, when a syntax error is

highlighted, the line above the error is highlighted or when I set

breakpoints by choosing a blue dot in the gutter, it does not

"line up" with the text line. How can I fix this?


This condition is usually caused by opening the file in a different

editor than the editor provided by the IDE. If a line of code is

somehow modified and then saved back to the disk using only a carriage

return for a line terminating character (instead of a carriage return

+ line feed sequence), the IDE may get confused. To fix the problem,

load the file into an editor that will save each line with a carriage

return + line feed sequence.


Примечание от Vit: ошибка исправлена в Дельфи 7.
