Как найти и выделить текст TWebBrowser? |
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private procedure SearchAndHighlightText(aText: string);
uses mshtml;
{ .... }
procedure TForm1.SearchAndHighlightText(aText: string); var tr: IHTMLTxtRange; //TextRange Object begin if not WebBrowser1.Busy then begin tr := ((WebBrowser1.Document as IHTMLDocument2).body as IHTMLBodyElement).createTextRange; //Get a body with IHTMLDocument2 Interface and then a TextRang obj. with IHTMLBodyElement Intf.
while tr.findText(aText, 1, 0) do //while we have result begin tr.pasteHTML('<span style="background-color: Lime; font-weight: bolder;">' + tr.htmlText + '</span>'); //Set the highlight, now background color will be Lime tr.scrollIntoView(True); //When IE find a match, we ask to scroll the window... you dont need this... end; end; end;
// Example: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin SearchAndHighlightText('delphi'); end; |
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