How to add alternative text to a Webbrowser image? |
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{ Alternative Text for a image of a TWebBrowser }
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var HTMLDocument2Ifc: IHTMLDocument2; HTMLSelectionObjectIfc: IHTMLSelectionObject; HTMLTxtRangeIfc: IHTMLTxtRange; begin HTMLDocument2Ifc := WebBrowser1.Document as IHTMLDocument2; HTMLDocument2Ifc.execCommand('InsertImage', False, ''); HTMLSelectionObjectIfc := HTMLDocument2Ifc.selection; if HTMLSelectionObjectIfc.type_ = 'Control' then HTMLSelectionObjectIfc.Clear; HTMLTxtRangeIfc := HTMLSelectionObjectIfc.createRange as IHTMLTxtRange; HTMLTxtRangeIfc.pasteHTML('<image alt="Hello" src="c:\test.gif"> '); end; |
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